Res Rei Art

Civilization of the Sea

Of this historic Edition of Civilization of the Sea, printed on its own on Arcoprint White paper of 120 grams of special manufacture, a first "Edition of the Head" is presented in 500 copies numbered from I/D to D/D, for the Edition in all leather and from I/DS to DS/DS for the Silk Edition.

The bindings, the gold and dry engravings, as well as all the other processes, were handcrafted by Maestri Rilegatori.
The leather edition features an original bronze casting by the engraver Remo Carboni on the deck plate.


With the participation of the Italian Naval League, the Historical Office and Communication from the Italian Navy and the Italian Geographic Society.

Exemplary: LXVII/D

Francesco Malvasi Edition

Original certificate visible in the photo gallery.

Origin: Private collection

Owner and place of storage: Res Rei Art Collection




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