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Die Exultetrolle Codex Barberini Latinus 592

Belser Verlag published Die Exultetrolle Codex Barberini Latinus 592 in the Vatican Apostolic Library as a complete facsimile edition.

The edition includes the facsimile volume and the introductory volume.

The worldwide circulation is 980 numbered copies in Arabic and 60 numbered copies in Roman not intended for sale.

This is copy n. 870

The printing was completed in August 1988.

The text presents the five surviving sheets of the Exultet Vat. Barb. lat. 592, included in the collection of the hundred manuscripts of greatest historical value of the Vatican Apostolic Library. Each sheet offers an accurate description, the edition of the text and the description of the illustrations. The contribution proposes a new dating of the document based on the analysis of the final commemorative scenes with portraits of the pope and the emperor.

Owner and place of conservation: Private Collection








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